As I see things today.
The establishment in Ireland is
pursuing policies that enrich the rich, while spinning the possibility that
everybody can avail of the riches that will accrue.
Reality is, that, not everybody is in a position to make
millions. If it was easy, then everyone would do it.
Most people just want to have a reasonable standard of
living and will leave the making of the millions to the more money driven
On the other hand, the money driven people seem to think
they can make their millions without availing of public services. The reality
is, the taxes paid by citizens over the decades, have paid for the installation
and maintenance of the infrastructure that allows any company to exist.
There seems to be an attitude that the companies exist in
some kind of entrepreneurs utopia paid for and constructed by the companies.
The reality is, taxes have paid for all this.
Companies seem to think they do not need to pay taxes to
avail of the public infrastructure and services. They seem to think they are
not obliged to pay for the next bundle of workers to be educated, or that the
workers children have to go to school, and to hospitals etc etc.
They seem to think the state should provide all these
services for free. From the imaginary money that other people pay in taxes.
Reality is, if their staff had to pay privately for schools
and medical care, and parks, and water, and roads and paths, and sewage pipes,
etc, then the companies would have to pay salaries much higher than they
currently pay.
The current minister for social welfare is using tax money
to pay for an advertising campaign to catch welfare fraud, while he ignores the
fact that millionaire business owners and companies are committing massive tax
The government is spending more than the minister for social welfare, to finance a campaign to ensure a big company does not have to pay €13 billion in taxes.
I wonder would the minsters and the Taoiseach use their own money to pay for these campaigns. The answer is a big fat no.
Anyway, as I see it, the establishment are abusing the
goodwill of the people, and as it gets worse, then, it is inevitable that people
will eventually revolt. The history of the French Revolution shows this to be
So, finally, the establishment have created the political
scenario that will force people into revolting, and, when that happens at the
ballot box, and the wrong people are elected, then, the establishment can only
blame themselves.
In the meantime, poor people will suffer unnecessarily, die
younger than they need to, and end up in prisons, and the cycle of the rich
misgoverning the poor will go on and on and on, and its happening all over the
Ireland, a Republic, me arse. We had a revolution and we replaced the British Establishment with an Irish establishment. So nothing really changed.
The world needs a huge statesman/woman to come forward and
put some balance into the world.
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