Working from last monday the 6th of February.
Clearly RTEs prime time was working on the McCabe story to have it ready to broadcast on Thursday night.
Also the work of the FineGael on the establishment of a commission of investigation was underway.
The prime time story was obviously in preparation for the government announcement.
I have no idea what stance RTE was planning to take.
On wednesday brendan howlin announced in the dail that he wanted the garda commissioner to step aside during the commission of investigation. His reasoning for this, was that he had been contacted by a trusted journalist.
On thursday he told the Dail he would make himself available to the commission, and the trusted journalist would make themselves available to the commission. Also the journalists that had spoken to the trusted journalist would make themselves available to the commission of investigation.
On Friday morning, Morning ireland radio presenter accused howlin of spreading tittle tattle.
Did Howlins announcement come as a response to the possibility of the primetime story?
In the meantime we knew nothing about the TUSLA issues with McCabe.
Today Sunday, Frances Fitzgerald told the #twip that she knew nothing about the TUSLA issue before the primetime broadcast on thursday night.
Then FF says that Jim OCallaghan told her about TUSLA on Tuesday.
Is it coincidence that Jim OCallaghan knew about the TUSLA issue before thursday?
Those of us watching this issue develop, know that there are huge implications emerging for government and government agencies, including the department of justice, the department of health, the gardai, TUSLA (the child protection agency), the HSE, and a few others yet to be named.
However I can,t help feeling the whole thing is a bit choreographed, and it is being choreographed by someone that is doing it in a very covert manner.
Somebody is pulling strings. Who are they and why are they doing it?
Some of us are aware that, to bring about real change, you need to get the issue addressed by RTE on prime time television and radio.
Maybe the RTE Prime Time team, should investigate “who” is choreographing the issues in the background, and why?
The mccabe TUSLA allegations have been hanging around journalists for years. Why is it only coming to a head now?
Clearly the only issue for McCabe and his family, now, is the amount of compensation the state will have to pay them. Good luck to them, they deserve whatever money they get, and hopefully, it makes their futures a better life than they have had in the past.
The ramifications for the state however, are far from over and far from being finalised or swept under the carpet.
The consequences will be felt in every government agency in the country for years to come.
Most likely people convicted on the evidence given by TUSLA will start proceedings to have their cases reviewed.
Gardai that have been involved in criminal activities blackening McCabes name and the other whistleblowers will no doubt have their cases appealed.
I will add to this as things evolve. So this blog will be developing over the next few days and weeks.
I predict Enda Kenny will sack the garda commissioner, then he will resign. Frances Fitzgerald will resign. Neither of them will seek re-election.
The vote of no confidence will be withdrawn on the basis that FineGael need to appoint a new leader who will then seek to be elected as Taoiseach. That process will need time for the new leader to negotiate with Fianna Fail and the independents.
If the above does not happen the no confidence motion takes its course and Fianna Fail will have a few rebels break rank and vote to bring the government down.
The issues will be put on the back burner and the new government will leave them there. McCabe will be paid off privately and quietly. Wilson will get a few quid. Taylor will get a payoff and a pension.
At this stage I have no more predictions.